Bill Kendrick's Awards and Mentions
WebFX Mentioned In "Fast Lane" Magazine

Scott Hume reviewed WebFX in Volume 10, Issue 6 (January 7-20, 1999) of "Fast Lane," a Scottsdale, AZ local magazine.

For 'Hume'.....
The Bell Tolls!!

By Scott Hume

Interesting Internet Website: WebFX

I found an interesting web site while surfing the internet recently. Actually, 'interesting' is only half the story, as WebFX is useful, too. Basically, the site takes in any web-based image file and (using paint-like software contortions) changes it into something else, either very funny or rather unique. In fact, take a look at my ugly mug 'on' TV, in the movies, part of a 're-designed' hundred-dollar bill, or even as the subject of a magazine spoof! I've already got an image or two own my own website, and WebFX has tons more.

"WebFX was written because I really wanted to program graphics, but at the time had neither a PC nor a MAC to program on," explains Bill Kendrick, WebFX developer. Since the site went online in March of last year [actually, it was two years previous to the time this article was written - bjk], it has received a "cool site" listing in the prestigious Yahoo search engine finally a year later [so, almost a year before this article was written - bjk]. Kendrick is working on an upgrade of his free site that will add user-controlled 'crop' and 'resize' commands. "I have no idea when it will be released, since I'm busy new games site," However, check out Kendrick's webalicious WebFX at: and turn web images into something you've never seen before!

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