Bee's Nest
How to Play Bee's Nest
"Bee's Nest" is similar to the well-known puzzle game "Lights Out,"
but played on a hexagonal grid. You must re-arrange all of the bees in
the hive so that every cell in the hive is filled with honey.
When a bee is moved, the cells adjacent to both where the bee moved from
and where the bee moved to are affected.

(The cell the bee landed in was empty, so it is now filled. Two of the six
adjacent cells were also changed from empty to full. The other four
adjacent cells had honey before, so are now empty.)

(Here, a second bee appears in step 2. The cells that are adjacent to both
bees are affected, and in this example, swap back from honey to empty.)
Moving Bees:
Click on a bee to select it -- it will light up -- and then click an
unoccupied cell in the hive to move it there.

(Notice how the cells around the bee in steps 1 and 2 were changed
from full to empty, and the cells around the bee's destination in step
3 were changed from empty to full.)
Once all of the bees have been moved to the appropriate cells,
the hive will be completely filled with honey, and the game will end.
Try to finish the game in as few moves, and/or as little time as
you can!
"Bee's Nest" is based on the Flash game "Baffle Bees" by
The Code Zone