Invisible Maze
Bill Kendrick, who is looking for a job as a game programmer, set up this
site with a few simple efforts.
The site opens with an invitation to pick a size and type for your maze.
Mazes are simple, you say. Ah, but what if you can only see a little bit
of the maze at any time? That's the trick to the Invisible Maze; as you
click your way around, you reveal more of the twists and turns. The game
generates a different maze each time you start.
If you would rather have an old-fashioned, visible maze, click the link to
the Amazing Maze Generator, and you can produce a black-and-white version
easy to print out with most browsers.
By John J. Kroll
Thanks to Carolyn Muller Gedeon for e-mailing us the text of the article,
and who, by the way, said: "I don't think the writer went past the maze page.
If he had, I would think he would have mentioned that you had other games