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People's Comments:
Here's what folks think of Word PI!
- Carl Youngdahl
You just sent me an announcement about your Word PI game, and I have been
playing it ever since. I really like it...your site and games and such are
really cool. The maintenance is rather amazing. It's also good to see such
a dominating website which also adheres to and publicizes the "spirit" of the
internet. Very good.
- Paula Hinson
You were right. That is a hard [game].
- Beverly Sandy
Hi Bill, just wanted to let u know how much I enjoyed your new game...
thanks for your web page, i go there quite a lot when I'm bored. Prefer
hangman,& now this new one as my fav's. Also BIG THANK U 4 MAKING YOUR
- Stacy Wallett
Pretty cool! I found my word in twelve guesses. I really like this one.
- Sheila Lombardi
Well sir, I recieved your email last night on [your] new game. I played it
right away,had to play 3 games before i got the hang of it and out of
six games I guess the word in 16 the highest and 10 the lowest moves.
I really like your game and will keep on playing it, as I love word games.
and I will guess the right word with less moves!!!
- Eva Sikes
your new puzzle game...word great!!! i think it could frazzle the
brain...truly like your web site and look forward to more new games...gotta get
back to word pi....
- Suzi
My sister told me about your site.
She sent me the info about your new game. Played it last night. I
guessed the word in 24 tries, and was so excited I called her long
distance to tell her. Keep up the good work. What an impressive site.
- Peggy Tanner
I tried [Word PI] and I really enjoyed it.
It's very challenging and addictive. I gave up my first try but I got the
second word on the tenth try. It's similar to the color coded game where
you have ten chances to match the four colors (I can't think of the name).
Your game is more challenging because you certainly don't have 26 colors to
choose from. I'll be spending a lot more hours on the internet because of
Word P.I. Thanks again.
- Betsy Casillas
You did it again. It's a crazy game but it's fun to play...Keep up the great
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