If you're totally confused by Word P.I., then don't worry...
it gets easier as you play it.
The object is to try to guess the word the computer is thinking of.
To make it easy, the computer only thinks of words that are 5 letters long,
and also which contain only one of each letter.
For example, "DREAM" might be a word it thinks of, but "LEAVE" is not
(because there are two "E"'s).
You are to guess words (they also must be five letters and have no
repeating letters), and the computer will give you hints as to how close
you are to the word it's thinking of.
The computer writes "O"'s and "X"'s in response to your word, with
each "O" representing a letter in your word that's also in the word
it is thinking of, and each "X" representing a letter that's not only
in the word, but also in the same position.
For example, if the computer was thinking of "DREAM" and you guessed "DAILY",
you'd get one "X" (because the "D" in your word is in the same place
as in "DREAM"), and one "O" (because there's an "A" in both words, but
not in the same place).
Obviously this is not enough information on its own, because the
computer doesn't say _which_ letters were in the word, and which of
those were in the right place.
But as you continue guessing words, you'll see a pattern. ("Every time
I enter a word starting with "D", I get at least one "X"... I bet the
word starts with "D"!)
Good luck!